Steetec Installations

Steetec Installatie B.V. provides and installs screen and shading installations in The Netherlands and other horticultural countries. The brothers Hans and Paul van Steekelenburg started Steetec in 1984. They have managed to expand their company to a progressive enterprise with competent employees and they constantly try to stay ahead of new developments. Good examples of this are the, by Steetec developed and patented, 3XS slip system and VSd® slip system.

The organization

Steetec has a transparent business structure. Every client has one contact point for full coordination and optimal attendance. To avoid lack of time on the project location, the screen installations are, as much as possible, prefab prepared at the own workplace. This way the company takes care of all worries of the customer. Thanks to the short lines within the company, the personal contact, and the intensive knowledge of the horticultural sector, Steetec is capable to realize projects to the utmost satisfaction of their customers.
Door de korte lijnen binnen het bedrijf, het persoonlijke contact en de intensieve kennis van de tuinbouw is Steetec in staat projecten naar volle tevredenheid van de klant te bewerkstelligen.


Working safely

Steetec takes great notice in a professional, environmentally friendly and safe working way. The proof of this is our VCA certificate. Furthermore our employees only use the most modern equipment and tools that meet the Arbo regulations.


In the thirds quarter of 2009 we have taken over Horti Screen, the screen system department of Debets-Schalke. Next to this, there is a partnership with the greenhouse building division of Debets-Schalke. The greenhouse projects that they sell, are supplied with our screens.

World wide partners
Furthermore we have worldwide agents to sell our systems.
